Hey guys im new on this forum and am looking for some advice. I am looking to gain muscle weight and bulk up. Right now i am about 5' 11'' and 175 lbs. I usually drink a protein shake (50g) after my workout but I got this stuff called Smart Gainer right now.
It has:
656 calories
51g protein
11g fat
88g carbs
7g sugar
That is one serving and I take 2 per day. One mid morning then after lifting. I lift 4-5 days a week. I try to eat low-fat foods. Lean meat like tuna, fish, turkey, red meats on occasion.
I am up for any suggestions and appreciate them.
It has:
656 calories
51g protein
11g fat
88g carbs
7g sugar
That is one serving and I take 2 per day. One mid morning then after lifting. I lift 4-5 days a week. I try to eat low-fat foods. Lean meat like tuna, fish, turkey, red meats on occasion.
I am up for any suggestions and appreciate them.