Im in week 8 of cycle : 10 weeks of 1g sust and 12 weeks of 400 mg EQ.....anyone have suggestions on clomid use at the end or anything in general I shold know?
Earlier while on d-bol first 6 weeeks weight was at about 210 or more, well weight is down but I am getting pretty lean, I was at about 205 this morn...I'm 6' started at about 200 but, fatter than I am now....also bridged with primo for about 8 weeks from last cycle of cyp, sust, and deca...I think I probably needed to take that 8 week break juice free and I might ahave seen more gains, but I am pleased.....maybe these gains will definately stay....quality over quanity...
M 18, I know you were doing similar cycle...did you keep the gains? also I have Nolva, clen, proviron, when should I throw them in the mix? 'preciate it..
I did a similar cycle but I use 500mg/week of Sust and D-bol for the first 4 weeks. I have only lost 2 pounds so far, I have been off for about 4 weeks and am on my second week of clomid. I would only add the Nolva if you feel signs of Gyno coming on and if you don't want the water retention then Proviron would be a good choice. Hope this helps, if you have any questions you can e-mail me anytime. Best of luck