Few years back when Lumberg and I were dating (long-distance) I came out to DC for a visit sometime in the summer, I believe it was later in July. So He had a whole bunch of leftover fireworks from the 4th that he purposely saved for my visit so we could set them off together (Fireworks Illegal in the State of MD).
Do he hatched this plot for us to take our huge garbage bag of fireworks and a blanket and other neccessities to the big field behind the Board of Ed Bldg which is right behind where we live (he was living here at that time too). So we walk back through some woods and a parking lot to the edge of this field (it was the outskirts of a baseball field) right where the field met the woods.
And it was late at night and pitch dark. We laid out our blanket (i couldnt stop thinking how I just KNEW i was going to be getting sexuals out under the stars that night how exciting)---and we begin lighting off these bottle rockets and these huge shells which are like balls with a fuse you light them and drop then into this tube and they shoot out and are really loud (i;m lol'ing right now thinking about this, haha it was so much fun)
and we're taking turns lighting off this shit and suddenly, we see these lights coming at us from the street. and we're prety far off the street. well within a few seconds we realize, its a cop car driving pretty fucking fast directly toward where we were doing our deed. this car had driven up onto the grass and through the field to get to us LMAO
and Lumber is like "should we run"? Thinking of all the times i ran from cops as a high schooler out in the woods partying, i said no cuz i really wasnt in the mood. and so we stood there as they approached us with their spotlights. and we had all the evidence right there for them to see.
they said they received several calls of loud gun shots going off in this area and they thought there was someone out here with a gun. eeek. so they confiscated our stash of fireworks which was still plenty we had not used and sent us on our way lol
that was fun.
Do he hatched this plot for us to take our huge garbage bag of fireworks and a blanket and other neccessities to the big field behind the Board of Ed Bldg which is right behind where we live (he was living here at that time too). So we walk back through some woods and a parking lot to the edge of this field (it was the outskirts of a baseball field) right where the field met the woods.
And it was late at night and pitch dark. We laid out our blanket (i couldnt stop thinking how I just KNEW i was going to be getting sexuals out under the stars that night how exciting)---and we begin lighting off these bottle rockets and these huge shells which are like balls with a fuse you light them and drop then into this tube and they shoot out and are really loud (i;m lol'ing right now thinking about this, haha it was so much fun)
and we're taking turns lighting off this shit and suddenly, we see these lights coming at us from the street. and we're prety far off the street. well within a few seconds we realize, its a cop car driving pretty fucking fast directly toward where we were doing our deed. this car had driven up onto the grass and through the field to get to us LMAO
and Lumber is like "should we run"? Thinking of all the times i ran from cops as a high schooler out in the woods partying, i said no cuz i really wasnt in the mood. and so we stood there as they approached us with their spotlights. and we had all the evidence right there for them to see.
they said they received several calls of loud gun shots going off in this area and they thought there was someone out here with a gun. eeek. so they confiscated our stash of fireworks which was still plenty we had not used and sent us on our way lol
that was fun.