Here's a whole bunch of previous threads on clen - liquid or pill form, doesn't matter:
Before I'd even bother acknowledging your questions, I'd ask for some context:
- what is your wife's current diet & training?
- how long has she been dieting / training?
- Is her routine consistent & getting her results now?
Clen is just a supplement - and an overrated one if you ask me. It won't show any sort of significant results, if any, if her diet is not SPOT ON now. I don't mean "she eats clean" or "she eats pretty good" -- I mean is her diet optimized to get her results like she's seriously looking to get results and maintain them? Same w/ training.
Lots of people, esp women, come here asking about clen, probably more so now because its getting brought out on the tv / hollywood news shows as the way the hollywood starlets are losing weight. Its a controlled substance, so first there are no guranatees -- anything controlled that you stick in your body not under the supervision of a doctor becomes your very own personal experiment that no one can take responsibility for the results and / or sides but yourself.
I'd also suggest if your wife is intersted in using clen, that she post up herself - her body, her sides, her results. She needs to educate herself on what she thinks will get the results she wants. No quicky pills or magic liquids in this game. Just tight, consistent diet & training.