I'm planing on doing a EQ only cycle since its my first time with it and i want to know exacly how it reacts on my body.But i dont want any libido issues...
Run low dose test. with it or you will experiance a little libido issue, why chance it. When I ran it with test I felt like my dick did'nt get as hard as normal and it was a pain in the ass to get off. It was very slight but it was there.
I have heard both sides with Eq when run on it's own. Some claim bad libido issues and other's state the exact opposite. I tend to think most would have some issue but your not going to know until you do it how your personally going to react. My suggestion would be to start out with Eq if you really want to go this route but then have some Test on hand so you can include if any serious libido issues arise.
Yep - everyone reacts differently to AAS. I ran EQ only a number of years bac (500mg/week). Did a mild PCT following the cyccle (nolva/clomid) and did not have any prob. Keep some test on hand just incase - even 200mg a week should keep the boys chugging along.