I ran a cycle of LGD-4033 last year and was pretty damn impressed by the results (5mg first week, 10mg week 2-8); added in RAD 140 the last 4 weeks to keep the gains coming @ 5mg/day). Diet was garbage (due to travel, not habits) and still saw gains.
I would like feedback on this from those in the know (unable to find this stack on google:
Stack: SR9009 @ 20mg/day coupled with LGD-4033 @ 10mg/day. (8 weeks)
Diet: 3600 cal (30/40/30 -- Protein/Fat/Carb)
Training: 6-days @ 2x/day (morning cardio, evening powerlifting or plyometrics)
Supporting: Creatine, Vitamin C
Thank you
I ran a cycle of LGD-4033 last year and was pretty damn impressed by the results (5mg first week, 10mg week 2-8); added in RAD 140 the last 4 weeks to keep the gains coming @ 5mg/day). Diet was garbage (due to travel, not habits) and still saw gains.
I would like feedback on this from those in the know (unable to find this stack on google:
Stack: SR9009 @ 20mg/day coupled with LGD-4033 @ 10mg/day. (8 weeks)
Diet: 3600 cal (30/40/30 -- Protein/Fat/Carb)
Training: 6-days @ 2x/day (morning cardio, evening powerlifting or plyometrics)
Supporting: Creatine, Vitamin C
Thank you