New member
So, in the past I've done LGD, GW, and MK-2866 with what I would believe to be good results. I tried LGD in the past but didn't have a good warm and fuzzy on if it was or wasn't any better than MK-2866. I vaguely remember some weight gain back then when on LGD but didn't pin it down to anything.
Fast forward about a year later and I decided to give LGD and MK-677 a try.
Started on 21 FEB 2015
LGD-4033 planned for 10 mg / day dosed in the morning for 8 weeks.
MK-677 planned at 25 mg / day dosed before bed till I feel like it.
All from Superiorpeptides.
I'm 36, 5'3" 158 lbs and approx. 17% bodyfat. I workout 5 days a week and burn approx. 1500 calories per week with cardio and who knows with the weight lifting lol. I eat a high protein moderate carb diet and don't eat junk or processed foods.
Reminder - still on the 8 week cycle as of this post
During the cycle, I have not been able to get any weight loss, so I chalk it up to "must be some muscle gain". I have gained strength so I considered it a good assessment. The mirror isn't being the best judge as I feel like I'm just flat, not defining.
Somewhere about the 4th week, I started losing my libido in the bedroom and desire was starting to hit an all time low. (not normal for me). I knew there would be some libido loss if there was moderate suppression, so during cycle I have been taking:
PES Erase - later in cycle
Muscletech test HD
Vitamin D
-- not related to test/armotization/estrogen... I also take creatine and yohimbe
I don't have a great baseline test. I do know that in January at 3 p.m. I took an afternoon blood draw and my test was at a whopping 312 (of course I'd expect a little higher with a morning test). All other results in normal range
Because of the libido loss and harassment by my girlfriend, I decided to go in and get a check from my DR. on 23 MAR 2015.
Results came back at an astronomical (90.8 testosterone). All other results in the normal range.
Doctor said I have to take another test on 20 APR to verify the results before she will give me anything (she was pretty bitchy about me asking for hormone testing).
So long story short. I believe these compounds have shut me down and now I can continue to the 8 week mark and get the doctor to legitimately prescribe me some testosterone (most likely gel to start since insurance wants a start here to get there method). I do have Tamoxofen on hand as I was going to use it at the end of the LGD to get back to baseline. Depending on what is prescribed and when I have to do followup bloodwork will decide how I go about working it all in at the end of this cycle.
Just an FYI. It's not often I see someone post that has had any bloodwork. In this case I don't have a super accurate baseline, but I do have one.
Fast forward about a year later and I decided to give LGD and MK-677 a try.
Started on 21 FEB 2015
LGD-4033 planned for 10 mg / day dosed in the morning for 8 weeks.
MK-677 planned at 25 mg / day dosed before bed till I feel like it.
All from Superiorpeptides.
I'm 36, 5'3" 158 lbs and approx. 17% bodyfat. I workout 5 days a week and burn approx. 1500 calories per week with cardio and who knows with the weight lifting lol. I eat a high protein moderate carb diet and don't eat junk or processed foods.
Reminder - still on the 8 week cycle as of this post
During the cycle, I have not been able to get any weight loss, so I chalk it up to "must be some muscle gain". I have gained strength so I considered it a good assessment. The mirror isn't being the best judge as I feel like I'm just flat, not defining.
Somewhere about the 4th week, I started losing my libido in the bedroom and desire was starting to hit an all time low. (not normal for me). I knew there would be some libido loss if there was moderate suppression, so during cycle I have been taking:
PES Erase - later in cycle
Muscletech test HD
Vitamin D
-- not related to test/armotization/estrogen... I also take creatine and yohimbe
I don't have a great baseline test. I do know that in January at 3 p.m. I took an afternoon blood draw and my test was at a whopping 312 (of course I'd expect a little higher with a morning test). All other results in normal range
Because of the libido loss and harassment by my girlfriend, I decided to go in and get a check from my DR. on 23 MAR 2015.
Results came back at an astronomical (90.8 testosterone). All other results in the normal range.
Doctor said I have to take another test on 20 APR to verify the results before she will give me anything (she was pretty bitchy about me asking for hormone testing).
So long story short. I believe these compounds have shut me down and now I can continue to the 8 week mark and get the doctor to legitimately prescribe me some testosterone (most likely gel to start since insurance wants a start here to get there method). I do have Tamoxofen on hand as I was going to use it at the end of the LGD to get back to baseline. Depending on what is prescribed and when I have to do followup bloodwork will decide how I go about working it all in at the end of this cycle.
Just an FYI. It's not often I see someone post that has had any bloodwork. In this case I don't have a super accurate baseline, but I do have one.