Never... I repeat Never use Femera during PCT...Hell don't even use arimidex. The point of PCT is too get your body back to normal. If thats is going to happen you need you natural estrogen production there to help along with test production.
If you cycle with an anti-e there is no reason to use one when you come off{meaning estrogen will already be low}. I have talked to many Docs about this and driving estrogen levels too low during pct will hinder your recovery.
What you need during PCT is clomid, HCG, and Nolvadex.
I tend too run HCG from beginning, too end of my cycle @250iu xTwice per week{sat and sunday}
Clomid I run @
day -1-300mgs
days- 2-9-100mgs per day
days -11-21-50mgs
Nolvadex@20mgs per day from beginning to end of clomid therpay....This is a standard recovery cycle....I run this much longer if I cycle more than 16 weeks at a time....Peace and good luck