For the last decade, the vilest creatures falsly slander my name trying to destroy me.
The f'n stalk me.
I need to sue.
But I have
no rights in this country run by......................
They just enjoy the games and persecution.
I take solice in the fact that:
When you all die, you will be remembered for nothing. Because you are slave ass shits who do not have enough dedication to give your life to understanding. Thus, you trust others, you work for others, die for others out of
ONLY TRUST YOURSELF, dumb asses. If it was not so sick, I would
die of laughing at your sorry asses.
When I die, I will be have been the greatest man ever.
That is my goal.
Only marriage and death can stop my
pursuit of enlightenment (for
personal use,
no need to give info to monkeys) and personal greatness (financial, physical, mental, and spiritual.
I will die with my knowledge. No need to worry about me taking over the government, etc...........Yo. FU All. I could give a shit less about anyone. But I do like hot babes though.
I enjoy watching you dumb asses
DIE for THE MAN. i.e Jews and their b.s. lies, Jesusism, Communism, Equal Rights, Women's rights, Destruction of Muslims, White people, Black people, Hispanic people, Asians...anyone who threats their goal of world domination. Read the Bible, shit asses. Book of Kings
"All Kings shall Suck Jew Dick" which is to be their slaves, give them all your money and women. Some of you monkey ass christians should know the deal. The means to the end: Genocide of ever race (through interbreeding, i.e. destruction of "racism", divide the race through the abolishion of "sexism") except for their pure Hebriatic Race they are trying to create in Israel.
The Genocide of BILLIONS. It's only their covent that they THINK they have. But they will destroy this world. Oh, well.
Bring on the death, man....................
because that is the
only way you will stop me. Jews and their lackeys may conquer this world and destroy it, but
I doubt you will rule the other world. How can you stop that? I do not even want to "rule" it, but yo, I
want to
cleanse it of shit. Who would want to live eternal abode of vile shit?
I am only building my OWN world, for me. Not anybody else. Unless she was extremely hot. Yo. You know, a perfect ass chick, but I would not convert her. F that. I am "converting" nobody, nor want slave followers.
Its my juice
(godpower) and
you cannot have it.
Only a super hot, fine ass babe can have my juice
Its mine.