New member
Squat: work up to 1RM, alternate with 3RM GM, and 1RM deadlift every week.
leg curls
lat pulldowns
leg raises (abs)
QUESTION - how many sets/reps in supplemental exercises?
Bench Press: work up to 1RM. Do 2-4 singles at 90% and above. Rotate the core lift every couple of weeks.
high-incline bench press: close grip
QUESTION - what other supplemental exercises should i do on this ME day?
Speed (Box) Squat: 10 sets of 2 reps at 50-60% of 1RM
Speed Deads: every other week 6 sets of 2 reps with 60-70%, with short rest - 45 secs.
Hams/ Glutes???
spinal erectors ???
hips ???
QUESTION - please advise on what suppl. exercises should be done here.
Bench Press: 10 sets of 3 reps at 50-60% of 1RM, relatively close grip, short rest - 45 secs
two arm DB extensions
one arm DB rows
Delts: front, side, and bent-over raises consecutively 20 reps in each direction, without rest, for the total of 60 reps. Occassionally do heavy front raises.
BB forearm curls
DB curls
Squat: work up to 1RM, alternate with 3RM GM, and 1RM deadlift every week.
leg curls
lat pulldowns
leg raises (abs)
QUESTION - how many sets/reps in supplemental exercises?
Bench Press: work up to 1RM. Do 2-4 singles at 90% and above. Rotate the core lift every couple of weeks.
high-incline bench press: close grip
QUESTION - what other supplemental exercises should i do on this ME day?
Speed (Box) Squat: 10 sets of 2 reps at 50-60% of 1RM
Speed Deads: every other week 6 sets of 2 reps with 60-70%, with short rest - 45 secs.
Hams/ Glutes???
spinal erectors ???
hips ???
QUESTION - please advise on what suppl. exercises should be done here.
Bench Press: 10 sets of 3 reps at 50-60% of 1RM, relatively close grip, short rest - 45 secs
two arm DB extensions
one arm DB rows
Delts: front, side, and bent-over raises consecutively 20 reps in each direction, without rest, for the total of 60 reps. Occassionally do heavy front raises.
BB forearm curls
DB curls