Start with 5mg. Stay there for 3-4 weeks. IF YOU NEED TO, then bump up to 7.5mg, stay there for a few more weeks. THEN IF YOU NEED TO, go to 10mg.
Cycle length is about 8-12 weeks, depending.
DO NOT bump up dose if you are seeing result. Going higher does not guarantee more results or faster results. It sometimes only means mroe sides.
And you CAN gets sides on Var, contrary to popular belief. It is NOT a side-free AAS. It can bring on bad sides just as easily as Test. Chances of sides depend on your hormonal makeup, the drug (brand), and how quickly you increase the dose.
Results also depend on what BF% you are at now. If you are 20% or above, I vote on cleaning up the diet, fixing the training for awhile....THEN mess with drugs later. You can permanently alter your hormonal makeup with drugs....keep that in mind.
Var is useless without a FANTASTIC diet and SUPERB training. How are those areas for you? How clean is the diet?