do you do them like they do in the videos? or do you put your shins on a raised object and let feet hang off it?
I've wanted to do these for a while but i cant think how to do them without a powerrack
I put on my neoprene knee sleeves and put a pad in the power rack. Set the supports accordingly to your body when you're on your knees. I have to have someone step on the bottom of my feet so I can get the bar out of the rack. I also set the safety pins at the bottom so I don't get squished.
I've done them a few times . You can go pretty heavy on them since its such a short range of motion but my knees always slide out to the sides and it feels like i'm about to tweek something. haven't done them in a year or so
i have done them with 315lbs for 8 reps and i had the same problem you guys did..... knees sliding out and feeling like i was about to pull something tender.
i like them though...... i just dont have the heart to do them all the time...... i will for 2 workouts a week for like 2 weeks and then stop...... i box squat on dynamic day down to a milk crate and that kills my hips as it is.