okay now i get it...i guess i set myself up for that one...but no, not about me.
their is a post by a chic about a small penni owned by her bf...in a post precedding that post, the same chic posted a pic of her less than sexy gash.
i don't see how shit can be slung, when the gash was about as hot as a cow gash
make sense?
i've only witnessed it on the nets...but for sure, when a wimmen is pissy at a man that is the first insult that comes to mind when talking with her hussy friends "he's unit is small"
fair enough i guess, but one should look at one's own genitals when making such a diss
I'd say there are 3 situations (generally speaking) when a chick ranks on a dude's junk:
1) She is insecure about her own snatchypoo and it doing the classic "what you hate about others is actually what you hate about yourself" psych 101 move