Probably the best place to start is what do you eat now? What is your current training?
Generally you want to eat probably 1.5 x your bodyweight in oz protein. Break it up into meals every 2-3 hours. This might end up being 6-8 meals for you --- I think a guideline for amount of protein / meal for guys (i.e. amount they can metabolize in one sitting) is around 50 g -- so whatever your total protein ends up, divide that by 50 g = number of protein meals / day, then at the appropriate interval - e.g. 2 hrs or 3 hrs.
A good place to start as far as macronutrient breakdown is 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats -- run this for a couple weeks & see if it gives you enough energy for your lifting, but also doesn't leave you feeling like you are wiped out or missing something. Then you can adjust the ratios & see how they work better for you.
If you start by listing up what you eat now, that gives a place to start -- you can use a food counts program like to list all your meals and get an actual listing of total calories and the macronutrient breakdown.