Does anyone do junk days? train hard all week and sunday is the only day you cant treat yourself to whatevr you want?sportsperson viewpoint, i know body builders cant do tha...??or can they??what your thoughts?
well i am a bber but maybe my opinion will still be valid. if something works against your goals then it is counter productive to do it. i personally would not do it any where once per weak. i go all out on holidays where talking several whole pies and dozens of cookies and shit. but that is only a few times per year. other than that its all about the goals.
i only do a cheat meal a week not a cheat day, and i have no complains, also i don't go crazy on desserts or anything but maybe a 4 chesse pasta or something like that.
Well.. I have a "Cheat meal" once per week.. if and only if I do everything else right..
but my cheat meals aren't really counter-productive to my goals..
One meal at a mexican place or chinese place or pizza place, per week.. will not ruin my bodybuilding career..
I think a "cheat day" would really fuck me though..
Usually: the only people I see that don't reach their goals that have "cheat meals" once per week are lying about their efforts during the week..
I knew a guy that hardly worked out, ate cheeseburgers all week. (And a salad.. woo..) and then had a whole pizza and case of beer on saturday..
no suprise: he never made results..