Unless you are in pre-comp, where the judges opinions are what matter and I guess holding yourself up to the "ideal" competition body, because its your body and your goals, its your reality.
I always thought my arms were pretty big, but when I finally got them to peak, that's when I started working on them w/ the goal to peak more -- that was when I realized I could actually break out from the "gym bunny" to possibly a competitor. My back and calves practically dont' need to be worked because they are genetically pretty big. Quads have potential and w/ some new training I got my hams to poke out for the first time ever. Unfortuneately I also have a nice big fat ass that fits nicely in my office chair, supporting the last 15 years of desk jobs.
I am training for comp and I basically just trust that my diet & training will bring out my hams, quads, chest, etc. but I judge my progress on how lean my hips & ass get. And I measure that progress by how well my clothes fit. And I'm still waiting patiently for the "fitness ass" to replace the flabby ass.
BTW, I haven't even told my mom about this comp because she lives in fear of me getting "big", even though the goal for comp is to "shrink". She's gonna freak when she sees my biceps, but that's just the way I am at this point - I dont' consider them freaky - just not skin & bones like the models & actresses I see on TV. I'm still more interested in losing the caboose! LOL!
But seriously, its your body, and you are the only one who has to live w/ it. Under your own critical eye you can see where you are gaining or losing, and generally how you feel in your clothes is the biggest indicator.