i have been taking t3 for 15 days, i have 3 weeks left of my cycle and would like to do the 111222333444333222111 split, would this be too long and too much of t3. This would be about 5 weeks total.
Well I just finished my t3 cycle, and I ran it at it's peak at 8 tabs a day. I was on for 4 weeks and I feel fine. Gettin my thyroid checked in a week. Currently I am taking clen to make sure the fat stays off.
However, its not time enough IMO for the body to adjust. If you are goign to go to 100mcg per day, you need to run the T3 longer. Allow at least 5 days of a dossage before you increase that dossage.
2Thick, I'm curious as to your logic behind this.... Don't you think that that would be unsafe to jump dossages that fast? From my understanding, studies show that people can use T3 for months without thyroid damage but the problems stem from increasing dossages too quickly or not tapering off....
Wasn't it Mrs. Guns that suffered thyroid problems from increasing her dossage too fast?