New member
Hello, I've been training naturally for 9 years, 6 years taekwondo and 3 years bodybuilding.
Me pre-competition and in contest shape at 2 different events. The picture relaxing is pre-competition (for bodybuilding of course, not taekwondo)
In the abstract background I'm at 8% body fat; in the awards picture I'm at 6% (using the measuring tape method). There's a 5 lb difference between both pictures.
It's possible 100%naturally and it looks decent; however, I'm significantly smaller than other bodybuilders...I wonder why?

This next round I can try new things and run a cycle. This will be my first time. I have no plans in returning to taekwondo or trying a new martial art. I've done my blood test and everything is optimal.
I have the following items in my cabinet:
Testosterone E. 24 amps x 250mg.
Aromasin, 40 pills x 25mg
Stanozolol, 100 tabsx 10mg.
Liv-52, 100 pills.
Provironum, 50 pills x 25mg. (I don't know why I bought it)
Tamoxifen, 90 pills x 20mg. (Originally I was going to use them during cycle and PCT, but thankfully the mods intervened and told me to run aromasin or arimidex on cycle, so I bought aromasin)
Clomid, 40 pills x 25mg
Clenbuterol, 100 pills x 40mcg
A lot of fish oil.
What I've learned about the usual first cycle:
12 weeks - 500mg test e, or test c / week. (preferably 2 shoots x 250mg on different days)
From the beginning of the cycle, 12.5mg aromasin / EOD. (I think some users start before the cycle, yet others use an AI only if side-effects appear).
week 13 and week 14,don't use gear or AI (I believe you would still use an AI and/or tamoxifen if AI symptoms occur).
Week 15 until ?? - Originally I intended to run tamoxifen and clomid only (I was told I won't need hcg since my cycle Isn't stacked with other AAS and it is a short 12 week cycle); however, there's the perfect pct cycle that can be googled easily. (I'm not sure if I can link to other AAS websites)
What would you do?
I'm currently standing at 14% body fat. At first I read to go below 16% body fat before cycling, then I read to be at least 12%, and finally I read powerlifters can bean exception to this rule.
How lean do you go before starting a cycle?
Is my body ready to start a cycle? I want to gain lean mass, so I'm not sure if I should use test + stanozolol, or if I should just go ahead and get a bottle of dianabol, and later cut with clen and stanozolol. What do you recommend?
Me pre-competition and in contest shape at 2 different events. The picture relaxing is pre-competition (for bodybuilding of course, not taekwondo)
In the abstract background I'm at 8% body fat; in the awards picture I'm at 6% (using the measuring tape method). There's a 5 lb difference between both pictures.
It's possible 100%naturally and it looks decent; however, I'm significantly smaller than other bodybuilders...I wonder why?

This next round I can try new things and run a cycle. This will be my first time. I have no plans in returning to taekwondo or trying a new martial art. I've done my blood test and everything is optimal.
I have the following items in my cabinet:
Testosterone E. 24 amps x 250mg.
Aromasin, 40 pills x 25mg
Stanozolol, 100 tabsx 10mg.
Liv-52, 100 pills.
Provironum, 50 pills x 25mg. (I don't know why I bought it)
Tamoxifen, 90 pills x 20mg. (Originally I was going to use them during cycle and PCT, but thankfully the mods intervened and told me to run aromasin or arimidex on cycle, so I bought aromasin)
Clomid, 40 pills x 25mg
Clenbuterol, 100 pills x 40mcg
A lot of fish oil.
What I've learned about the usual first cycle:
12 weeks - 500mg test e, or test c / week. (preferably 2 shoots x 250mg on different days)
From the beginning of the cycle, 12.5mg aromasin / EOD. (I think some users start before the cycle, yet others use an AI only if side-effects appear).
week 13 and week 14,don't use gear or AI (I believe you would still use an AI and/or tamoxifen if AI symptoms occur).
Week 15 until ?? - Originally I intended to run tamoxifen and clomid only (I was told I won't need hcg since my cycle Isn't stacked with other AAS and it is a short 12 week cycle); however, there's the perfect pct cycle that can be googled easily. (I'm not sure if I can link to other AAS websites)
What would you do?
I'm currently standing at 14% body fat. At first I read to go below 16% body fat before cycling, then I read to be at least 12%, and finally I read powerlifters can bean exception to this rule.
How lean do you go before starting a cycle?
Is my body ready to start a cycle? I want to gain lean mass, so I'm not sure if I should use test + stanozolol, or if I should just go ahead and get a bottle of dianabol, and later cut with clen and stanozolol. What do you recommend?