I mean, seems sort of cultish, like Scientology and well what ever cults exist nowawdays.
Not that I am expert b/c I live in a world devoid of Christians, Muslims, Tinkerbells, Army recruiters, Salvation Army bell ringers, people asking me to take a personality quiz as I walk down fifth avenue.
But so, I mean, it's like brainwashed, we must attack Christians!! We must fight our oppressors by getting their children to lick skin of their own sex.
Then the Christian oppressors, say ICK, leave my children alone, if they decide by 18 then cool. Dont get into it by forcefeeding it at public school.
Now again, this has nothing to do with me, my kids will never go to public school with the lesser classes of children and forced to read "Heather has two mommies" by the equality police.
So, again, I have no dog in this fight. But it seems, from one wealthy outsider perspective (not associating with the lower class), that its like one cult versus another.
Like playing Risk, and people try and group off and fight another b/c they got hit by a nun in Sunday school 34 years ago.
Help an eccentric hermit out, why must people hate people, what does it mean?
Not that I am expert b/c I live in a world devoid of Christians, Muslims, Tinkerbells, Army recruiters, Salvation Army bell ringers, people asking me to take a personality quiz as I walk down fifth avenue.
But so, I mean, it's like brainwashed, we must attack Christians!! We must fight our oppressors by getting their children to lick skin of their own sex.
Then the Christian oppressors, say ICK, leave my children alone, if they decide by 18 then cool. Dont get into it by forcefeeding it at public school.
Now again, this has nothing to do with me, my kids will never go to public school with the lesser classes of children and forced to read "Heather has two mommies" by the equality police.
So, again, I have no dog in this fight. But it seems, from one wealthy outsider perspective (not associating with the lower class), that its like one cult versus another.
Like playing Risk, and people try and group off and fight another b/c they got hit by a nun in Sunday school 34 years ago.
Help an eccentric hermit out, why must people hate people, what does it mean?