New member
I always try to "bulk" and i get maybe 3-4 weeks in and i just get fuckin sick of eating any more than 2000 cals a day. then i fuckin end up getting so sick of all food that I lose my appetite for like 2-3 weeks and lose 3-4 pounds, usually mostly fat i think though, my strength doesn't suffer in the gym. So i end up Yo-yoing back and forth and never make any real progress as far as LBM. I play soccer and tennis, I like being aerobically fit, and eating high cals just does not work with that, plus I get headaches and a shitload of bloating from high cals.
help me.
btw stats are
148 lbs. (was actually 155 a year ago before i started lifting consistently)
been lifting since beginning 07.
I've actually tried keto instead of bulking, really liked the change in my appearance and the way i felt (felt light, fast, and my abs started to show) but strength was temporarily down, working out lost its flavor, and its not a good long term diet imo.
i eat clean cals 90% of the time (oats, cottage, nat pb, whey, 1-2%, good fats (flax oil, evoo), you know the usual stuff. i am also a decent cook and prepare most of my own food to save money.
but man I just have a weak appetite, I also have zero interest in getting fat to build muscle. i have a lot of buddies who have "bulked" more or less, got pretty big, but also got pretty fat, and never really lost the fat again, not that they couldn't, but it just seems like this is kind of overdone, being fat is gay even if you can bench 475 pounds (at least not part of my goals)
i dunno, just feelin burned out on diet part of training, need advice.
help me.
btw stats are
148 lbs. (was actually 155 a year ago before i started lifting consistently)
been lifting since beginning 07.
I've actually tried keto instead of bulking, really liked the change in my appearance and the way i felt (felt light, fast, and my abs started to show) but strength was temporarily down, working out lost its flavor, and its not a good long term diet imo.
i eat clean cals 90% of the time (oats, cottage, nat pb, whey, 1-2%, good fats (flax oil, evoo), you know the usual stuff. i am also a decent cook and prepare most of my own food to save money.
but man I just have a weak appetite, I also have zero interest in getting fat to build muscle. i have a lot of buddies who have "bulked" more or less, got pretty big, but also got pretty fat, and never really lost the fat again, not that they couldn't, but it just seems like this is kind of overdone, being fat is gay even if you can bench 475 pounds (at least not part of my goals)
i dunno, just feelin burned out on diet part of training, need advice.