Some of you know my story - my girlfriend surprised me with a membership at the worst twinky gym on the planet. They don't have a squat rack, the dumbells only go up to 100 lbs, and the top trainer can barely bench 135 lbs. (I have to sneak back to Gold's Venice for a lot of workouts.)
Their lack of equipment truly sucks. I had to buy my own belt for weighted dips and chins... they don't have one... and I am the ONLY person in the gym who deadlifts.
I stay there because I love her, and she was so proud of herself for finding me a gym
I've got a bunch of German girls staying with me now... and I am supposed to be dedicating this time to showing them around... but the absolute humor value of this makes it mandatory we hit the gym.
At the twinky gym I am something of a legend... sort of the living breathing Godzilla king.
I think I can convince them IronLion is a god. They may start a cult for him if he pulls an 800 lbs dead.