Hello members of the Board.
I've been parousing the boards the last couple days. I posted my idea for a routine and got a great response from big4life, whose advice I will put to good use. I'm glad I found this place, everyone seems cool and willing to help eachother a lot. Very refreshing! And I think it will be an inspiring group to be a part of.
Anyway, I am new to the world of caring about my health and fitness. I'm 28 years old, 6'0", 189 lbs. (down from 198 2 weeks ago), and in overall bad shape. My main hobbies are golf (ex golf professional -not professinal golfer!- and still hanging onto low single digit handicap), reading, writing, poker and video games.
My main goal is very simple: I want to start losing fat and gaining musle, basically "get in shape".
Goal number one in order to attain that: eat right and exercise CONSISTENTLY. Make it a habit.
Getting started and making it a habit is a very tough step for me (I've tried before), and I am hopefull that these boards may help tip the scales in my favor a bit.
I've started by working out with DB's in my home, and taking what I eat seriously. I want to get more serious and structured with the weights and start running. I'm even considering trying to train for a marathon. Though that is getting ahead of myself a bit.
It's been two weeks now and I have at least lost a bit of my gut, and I have confirmed that I do, in fact, have muscles.
A lot of your posts have already helped me out immensely, and I hope I can offer something positive back to the boards in the future.