You could do it most likely if you stayed on course and your motivation never swayed. Personally I lost about 45 pounds in 14 weeks and I wasn't attempting a starvation diet, it's just I was so out of shape that the weight wanted to fall off. I was losing 3 pounds a week pretty steadily and was not doing a CKD, just eating body for life style. I was also not doing anything "hard core". I was still eating carbs at every meal I was just having less portion sizes and then weight training 3x per week along with HIT cardio 3x per week. If I had went nuts and did cardio 7x per week, cut calories lower and did a CKD I could have lost more weight but no doubt more muscle as well.
I would still reocommend some form of weight training to preserve some sort of muscle. Losing weight that fast will burn muscle just about any way you cut it, but that doesn't mean you have to help it out. Besides weight training also burns calories and boosts your metabolim and you can always do cardio afterwards on those days.
I'd suggest something like the fat fast diet if you really want to shed the weight asap. I'd never recommend it for someone who wants to retain muscle and lose the weight in a healthy way, but for someone who just wants to shed weight at any means possible then go for it. Mr. X has his "not so natural" version but since you're drug free you can follow the standard version as first outlined by T-Mag.
Get ahold of a good thermogenic and appetite suppressant as you're gonna need it. Get most of your fats from healthy sources like flax, fish oil, etc... I wouldn't recommend totally cutting carbs, perhaps you should still do a carb up but maybe every other week or so. Should help keep your metabolism from completely dying, and believe me it will if you plan on losing that much weight that fast. If you go overboard and do no carb ups then at the end of the diet you are gonna blow up when you reintroduce carbs which for most of us is inevitable at some point.
Shoot for about 8 x bodyweight for calories and as I said make sure to get your EFA's and plenty of protein. The fat fast has you doing protein shakes with flax for the majority of your calories but I don't see why getting your protein from meat would hurt. Also remember that probably 25% or so of your weight loss will be water so you need to shoot for more than 30 pounds if you want it to stabilize after the diet. You may lose 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks but at least 5-7 pounds of that will be water. You may want to shoot for 40 actual pounds on the scale so when the diet is over you have some headroom when your hydration levels normalize.