Winny would do wonders but you are not going to notice any muscular gains with it if you combine it with the t3 and clen. It will only help to maintain
thanks namu. i'm not worried about gaining muscle just. solely concerned w/ losing lots of fat. i was thinking winny too. should i run it just as long as the t3/clen and eca or go a full 10 wks?
Use the winny for the entire cutting cycle. But you know not to use the clen and t3 the entire way out. Clen is usually done in a sequence and then cut out. During the off time you use the ECA:
Try this:
T3 dosage: 1111122222333334444333332222211111
These are daily doses and then use the clen in addition either for two weeks on and then two weeks off or five days on and then the weekends off. It depends on your feelings and increase the dosage during the time.