Mon - Chest
Tue - bIs and TRIs
Wed - shoulders
Thurs - Back
Fri - LEgs
Go heavy heavy. 3x8 each exersize, 3-4 exersizes per bodypart. Pick your favourites but remember for mass compound exersizes are best specially the powerlifting golden three (squat, deadlift, bench).
Times you weight in lbs by 15, add 15%. This is you calorie intake per day for gaining mass. Make sure at least 40% of this is good quality protein.
8 hours sleep is essential every day.
Lots of water - we're looking for hypertrophy here and the water will wash through all the waste from the breakdown of the muscles, leaving a clean system that can work efficiently.
And of course, vitamins, BCAA (acids that break down your protein. If they do it, your body don't have too, protein is assimilated faster. cool huh?).
Once last cool trick, before you fall asleep, imagine what it feels like to have big, bulging muscles. Mind over matter maybe but this does inspire you body to grow ( emotional response fires the hypothalomus (endocrine gland in the brain) which releases hormones to control the other glands, which in turn release hormone, including testosterone and growth hormone, and t-helper cells from the thyroid which are the basis of your immune system.)
SO, think big, eat big, lift big, be big.