OK big brock
to lose weight the most important factor is calories
You need to eat less calories than you're burning a day to burn the fat
You need to calculate ur calories (pm me your age and sex and i'll plug the numbers for u)
as for what to eat
i've said this before on another thread so im just gonna cut and paste if thats ok
a good diet is usually what works for you
a general concencus of what a good diet differs depending on your goals.
For cutting a good diet would be:
- to eat smaller frequent meals 5-6 times a day
- eat at or less than your TDEE
- Consume about 1.5g of protein per lbm
- Eat carbs moderately or limit them
- Consume good clean fats such as fish oils, olive oil or flax
- Lots of veggies
- Drink PLENTY of water
- Restrict sugars and processed carbs and Hi or even moderate glycemic carbs (except for post workout when you want an insulin spike)
Here's what my diet looks like and it's pretty much worked for me. This is just a guide, it might or might not work for u and you have to adjust the calories accordingly
1. Oatmeal + whey protein x 2 scoops (40/40/5)
2. whey protein x w scoops + efas (40/5/15)
3. Grilled Salmon + 1 cup veggies (30/10/20)
4. same as 1 (40/40/5
5. Post Workout Shake (25/50/0)
6. Lean protein + veggies + 1 tsp flax (35/10/10)