The dead lift you described I have done for many years, and if done be properly can work all those muscles beautifully.
If done wrong, since you're basically hanging your upper body by your spinal cord, you can seriously injure yourself.
I can assume you already work out and are strong so it's probably fine you use reverse sit ups to strengthen lower back. This is a stabilizing motion that will keep you from getting hurt AND make that pretty indention along the spine in the lower back. Also, form is everything in this particular deadlift.
I actually took instruction for it from Lee Haney years ago.
Start with smaller weight than you would use for a shorter lift, 8 reps a set, slow and focused on the muscle groups you want to work and not allowing your upper body to do it, and only allow the lower back to come in after you get past your knees with the bar, use the legs!!
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