I do this everytime I workout my upper body - last - working great! My cuff impingement has just about gone .
all done one after the other - no rest - just once or twice trhoiugh using the same weight for every exercise
30-45degree incline forward raise - face down x10
L-lateral elbow on knee cuff raise x10
Subscap raise x10
30-45 Degree side raise - face down - thumbs slightly up.
then do some incline shrugs
see here for exercise pics
Just remeber to prevent imbalances you need to work both the horizontal plance - bench/rows, and vertical plane, overhead press, dips and chins
I did overhead presses yesterday - I felt so strong and explosibve - very easy, shoulfer felt rock solid and stable - all the cuff work and deep upright dips I have been doing are helping a bunch!
SHould be able to go back to heavy benching soon.