From personal experience, I can say that you aren't going to notice much of a difference from ECA to ECA. My recommendation is to get something with yohimbe in it as well. You face a greater chance of depleting a2 fat stores with a yohimbe containing ECA.. or ECYA if you wanna get technical.
the new formula without the ephedra sucks ass. also, their has been no scientific evidence suggesting that hydroxcitric acid werks. your better off with something from they have an array of fatburnners that actually burn fat.
That's definitely a big aspect of it; plus, the increased energy for workouts burns more fat during the exercise (or, if lifting, builds more muscle) and helps rev up the metabolism even more.
i just started taking xenadrine efx ( ephedra free ) and it works very close to the ephedra suplpements, in me atleast. I use it for killing sugar cravings and energy. AS far as that goes it works.