Deca is one of the Most well known compounds in the Bodybuilding community.
Some Love it some hate it.
The hate is do to the irresponsible use of it, with no understanding of its nuances, how in interacts with other compounds, what dose thresholds to abide by, and when to use it. You Need not Worry, this thread will not overly confuse you with Arm Chair Guru Jargon, what it will do is show you how to use this POWERFUL compound and use it to increase the quality of your bodybuilding life now and into the years beyond.
Deca is one of the true few "healing compounds"
Deca along with GH, Igf and Test are the "Doctors" of the Steroid/Hormone world. They can literally HEAL you from the inside out and save you from what may seem to be degenerative problems. Deca is one of the Few AAS/compounds to Strengthen your immune system directly, increase mineral deposition in bone, and strengthen collagen/elastin synthesis. Its so powerful in these cases it has been used over and over in medical settings for aids patients and those with severe injury.
WOW Deca is great right? What the Problem Tea Time OMEGA?
The problem and that though the hormone does not readily convert to estrogen, usually when you stack it with any aromatizable compound you quickly bloat like a loaf of bread, and because the hormone cascade HAS ALREADY STARTED you cant reverse it quickly in time do to the fact that Both Estrogen and Proges level are sky high. These side effect typically manifest themselves as Breast tissue, Stubborn Gut Fat, and No Libido in the worst of cases.
4:Will not tell you what compounds to take to "reverse the sides"
Since that just means you need to buy $$$ more compounds in an already expensive "hobby". What will do is share dosage thresholds and precautions to nip any possible sides in the bud while at the same time harvesting all the benefits spoken of Strengthen your immune system directly, increase mineral deposition in bone, and stengthen collagen/elastin sythesis.
5:How do most people use Deca?
Most use Deca in a 1;2 ratio to Test or even worst 1;1 ratio.
Almost Everyone will get some type of sides at the 1;1 ratio, and Many even at the 1;2 ratio.
Typically those that do the above eat AI's and Cabergoline like candy or have it on hand $$$ to use.
6:If you want to completely avoid any sides with Deca without spending $$$
Observe this golden rule: Use Deca in a 1;3 ratio To all other compounds in your cycle, or 1;4 ratio if your cautious.
NEVER ever use it with Trenbolone. or Nolvadex.
7: ONLY use deca after you have done your first 2 cycles seen here:
8:Dosage Thresholds while in HRT and Duration:
Believe in the strategic use of Deca in HRT in "Short controlled bursts" And never more then 150 mgs a week. Some can Literally use as little as 75 mgs a week and still get some benifit.
Duration should be twice a year for 8-10 weeks.
9: Dosage on cycles
No matter who you are , no more then 333mgs a week is EVER needed PERIOD. ( unless your IFBB level)
More to come tonight lol..........
Deca is one of the Most well known compounds in the Bodybuilding community.
Some Love it some hate it.
The hate is do to the irresponsible use of it, with no understanding of its nuances, how in interacts with other compounds, what dose thresholds to abide by, and when to use it. You Need not Worry, this thread will not overly confuse you with Arm Chair Guru Jargon, what it will do is show you how to use this POWERFUL compound and use it to increase the quality of your bodybuilding life now and into the years beyond.
Deca is one of the true few "healing compounds"
Deca along with GH, Igf and Test are the "Doctors" of the Steroid/Hormone world. They can literally HEAL you from the inside out and save you from what may seem to be degenerative problems. Deca is one of the Few AAS/compounds to Strengthen your immune system directly, increase mineral deposition in bone, and strengthen collagen/elastin synthesis. Its so powerful in these cases it has been used over and over in medical settings for aids patients and those with severe injury.
WOW Deca is great right? What the Problem Tea Time OMEGA?
The problem and that though the hormone does not readily convert to estrogen, usually when you stack it with any aromatizable compound you quickly bloat like a loaf of bread, and because the hormone cascade HAS ALREADY STARTED you cant reverse it quickly in time do to the fact that Both Estrogen and Proges level are sky high. These side effect typically manifest themselves as Breast tissue, Stubborn Gut Fat, and No Libido in the worst of cases.
4:Will not tell you what compounds to take to "reverse the sides"
Since that just means you need to buy $$$ more compounds in an already expensive "hobby". What will do is share dosage thresholds and precautions to nip any possible sides in the bud while at the same time harvesting all the benefits spoken of Strengthen your immune system directly, increase mineral deposition in bone, and stengthen collagen/elastin sythesis.
5:How do most people use Deca?
Most use Deca in a 1;2 ratio to Test or even worst 1;1 ratio.
Almost Everyone will get some type of sides at the 1;1 ratio, and Many even at the 1;2 ratio.
Typically those that do the above eat AI's and Cabergoline like candy or have it on hand $$$ to use.
6:If you want to completely avoid any sides with Deca without spending $$$
Observe this golden rule: Use Deca in a 1;3 ratio To all other compounds in your cycle, or 1;4 ratio if your cautious.
NEVER ever use it with Trenbolone. or Nolvadex.
7: ONLY use deca after you have done your first 2 cycles seen here:
8:Dosage Thresholds while in HRT and Duration:
Believe in the strategic use of Deca in HRT in "Short controlled bursts" And never more then 150 mgs a week. Some can Literally use as little as 75 mgs a week and still get some benifit.
Duration should be twice a year for 8-10 weeks.
9: Dosage on cycles
No matter who you are , no more then 333mgs a week is EVER needed PERIOD. ( unless your IFBB level)
More to come tonight lol..........