The Caber
This is the premier Scottish event. The competitor must "pick" a caber, run and toss it so it lands straight out from him/her at a 12 o'clock position. The Caber is tossed for accuracy not distance. The judge must "call it" just as the stick hits the ground. A side judge will sometimes be used to determine if the caber rotated thru 90 degrees, if not it's a "Fifer" and not counted. The Caber can be any size, it's the style not the size, but a 23-26' stick is not uncommon today.
Weight For Distance
This event entails hurling a 56 or 28 lb. weight as far as possible while maintaining control behind a trig. The athlete spins to gain momentum on the weight then releases it. Women, amateurs and masters use various weights such as 14, 28, 42 and 56 lb. The principle remains the same.
The Hammers
These ancient weapons come in various sizes 12, 16 and 22 lb. They are tossed similar to the Olympic style: severe rotation imparts momentum to the hammer, then it is released for distance. The differences are mostly to the hammer, that being a heavier head and a wicker/rattan handle. The handle is strong and can flex on impact. Most athletes wear special hammer boots with bayonets on them to maintain ground contact during rotation.
Weight For Heights
This event is exactly as named, a 56 or 28 lb. weight is tossed up and over a horizontal bar. The athlete can only use one hand and the weight can strike the bar as long as it goes over. Women, some amateurs and masters also toss 42 lb. weights as the heavy weight.
The Sheaf
This event derives from the farming traditions of Scotland. It grew out of a competition to see who could toss a sheaf of wheat highest. Today we use a 16 or 20 lb. weighted ball of twine and burlap, and a standard pitch fork to toss. The sheaf must pass over the horizontal bar and competitors get 3 attempts at a height before they are eliminated. The highest tosser wins. In the event of a tie for height, the one with the fewest misses wins.
The Stone
This event is much like the more familiar shot put, except we use a field stone weighing between 17 and 26 lb. It is "put" from behind a trig, which is a marker log on the ground and the athlete may not cross the trig at any time. It may be put either Braemar (standing) or standard as in regular shot-put fashion