48 years old this will be the first time I’ve stacked three different steroids I usually just do 1 or 2 at a time
I’m 215 lbs and I’m looking to build a better physique and gain lean muscle mass and some strength
I’m looking to do a stack of equipoise, testosterone, and tbol.
The plan I have is this:
EQ 500mgs a week
test 250mgs a week
tbol 30mgs a day
this will be a 12 week cycle.
What do you recommend I use otherwise?
I’m 215 lbs and I’m looking to build a better physique and gain lean muscle mass and some strength
I’m looking to do a stack of equipoise, testosterone, and tbol.
The plan I have is this:
EQ 500mgs a week
test 250mgs a week
tbol 30mgs a day
this will be a 12 week cycle.
What do you recommend I use otherwise?