Anyone who's been around these parts for a while may know that I'm an advocate of "making the most out of the least amount of gear." I also don't care for newbies using high dosages so they can look good for spring break. This breeds a misconception that aromatizing drugs are better because they work faster and cause more weight gain. Experienced bodybuilders know that the more anabolic compounds which bring slower less dramatic results are more "solid" and longer lasting.
I'll add to these points that I believe the risk/benefit ratio of a cycle dramatically changes after 6 weeks -- right around the time mamy members believe the drugs are just starting to "kick in." I also don't believe in "bridging." You're on, or your off.
Nevertheless, for those who desire longer cycles yet still want to recover there are a few things that can be done. Now these are mostly speculative. They'll be no graphs, charts, references, or cut and paste quotes from others. It's mearly a hypothesis based on years of experience, science, logic and common sense. Feel free to debate, disagree, contribute or tweek the concepts. But I believe these few steps can help.
!: Take orals only on training days.
Orals in general provide a harder kick and are mg per mg more powerful than injectables. But long term use wreaks havoc on your health. Since the boost from orals is so immediate and short lived, try one dose prior and one dose post workout. This will provide extra srength and extra anabolism when needed the most. Sure, blood levels won/t be as even but they never really are with orals anyway and as long as you're in a stable anabolic state from the injectables you'll be alright.
2: Pyramid
This old school technique actually makes sense. When your receptors are fresh any influx is goig to boost performance. Why oversaturate them? After a month, boost the dosages. This is where most gains are made anyway so why not take advantage of this growth stage?
3; Use HC G sooner.
Why let the boys athrophy and then fight to get them back? Right around week 6, do a small shot of HC G just to let them know they have to keep working. But don't overdo it! Two shots of 500 ius is enough to stave off athrophy in most cases.
4: Use anti' e supps right from the start.
Anti e's can kill gains but they also keep the body functioning in a more balanced hormaonal state. Why tear it down and then try to build it up P.C? Also, the orals are hitting your liver right from the start so you should be protecting that as well. I've gotten feedback from users of "POST-CYCLE" that being "on" from the start has worked so well no anti e or SERMS were needed. I can't promise that will always be the case but it's a good insurence tactic. You can always keep a SERM oh hand if you need it but you probably won't.
5: Wind down
Finish off the last couple of weeks of the cycle with a lower androgenic base and raise the anabolic ratio a bit. For example, it you're using 600 mgs of test and 400 mgs of Prim, bump up the Prim to 500 and lower the T to 300. This will allow the body to become used to a lower androgen while keeping you in an anabolic state.
6: Use Supps to put you in the highest anabolic enviorment PC
This can do more than people realize. One argument against supps is that they're expensive and not as dramatic as real gear. Very true. But once you're off you need your body to hold on to the muscle gained and that is going to be very difficult without some help. Give your newfound muscle every chance in the world to stick around once the drugs have cleared.
I'd recomend...
UNLEASHED for maximum free T
MyogenX (not my product) to increae NATURAL L.H. release. (Remember, HC G does not get the body to increase L.H. on its own).
Continue the "POST-CYCLE" for a month following the cycle to keep libido high.
Use a good pre-workout supp like Lipoflame (not my product) to promote energy and enthusiasum for your workouts once you're natural. A small dose of a mild anabolic like Va.r could provide a psycological cushion for workouts but not on off days.
BIG BLAST for maintaining size
Dermacrine (not my product) for hormonal balance and mood.
Policosinol and Apple Pectin (not my products) to insure healthy lipid profiles.
That's basically it. By doing this, you can safely turn an 8 weeker into a 12 weeker with minimal suppression, side effects and loss of gains.
I'll add to these points that I believe the risk/benefit ratio of a cycle dramatically changes after 6 weeks -- right around the time mamy members believe the drugs are just starting to "kick in." I also don't believe in "bridging." You're on, or your off.
Nevertheless, for those who desire longer cycles yet still want to recover there are a few things that can be done. Now these are mostly speculative. They'll be no graphs, charts, references, or cut and paste quotes from others. It's mearly a hypothesis based on years of experience, science, logic and common sense. Feel free to debate, disagree, contribute or tweek the concepts. But I believe these few steps can help.
!: Take orals only on training days.
Orals in general provide a harder kick and are mg per mg more powerful than injectables. But long term use wreaks havoc on your health. Since the boost from orals is so immediate and short lived, try one dose prior and one dose post workout. This will provide extra srength and extra anabolism when needed the most. Sure, blood levels won/t be as even but they never really are with orals anyway and as long as you're in a stable anabolic state from the injectables you'll be alright.
2: Pyramid
This old school technique actually makes sense. When your receptors are fresh any influx is goig to boost performance. Why oversaturate them? After a month, boost the dosages. This is where most gains are made anyway so why not take advantage of this growth stage?
3; Use HC G sooner.
Why let the boys athrophy and then fight to get them back? Right around week 6, do a small shot of HC G just to let them know they have to keep working. But don't overdo it! Two shots of 500 ius is enough to stave off athrophy in most cases.
4: Use anti' e supps right from the start.
Anti e's can kill gains but they also keep the body functioning in a more balanced hormaonal state. Why tear it down and then try to build it up P.C? Also, the orals are hitting your liver right from the start so you should be protecting that as well. I've gotten feedback from users of "POST-CYCLE" that being "on" from the start has worked so well no anti e or SERMS were needed. I can't promise that will always be the case but it's a good insurence tactic. You can always keep a SERM oh hand if you need it but you probably won't.
5: Wind down
Finish off the last couple of weeks of the cycle with a lower androgenic base and raise the anabolic ratio a bit. For example, it you're using 600 mgs of test and 400 mgs of Prim, bump up the Prim to 500 and lower the T to 300. This will allow the body to become used to a lower androgen while keeping you in an anabolic state.
6: Use Supps to put you in the highest anabolic enviorment PC
This can do more than people realize. One argument against supps is that they're expensive and not as dramatic as real gear. Very true. But once you're off you need your body to hold on to the muscle gained and that is going to be very difficult without some help. Give your newfound muscle every chance in the world to stick around once the drugs have cleared.
I'd recomend...
UNLEASHED for maximum free T
MyogenX (not my product) to increae NATURAL L.H. release. (Remember, HC G does not get the body to increase L.H. on its own).
Continue the "POST-CYCLE" for a month following the cycle to keep libido high.
Use a good pre-workout supp like Lipoflame (not my product) to promote energy and enthusiasum for your workouts once you're natural. A small dose of a mild anabolic like Va.r could provide a psycological cushion for workouts but not on off days.
BIG BLAST for maintaining size
Dermacrine (not my product) for hormonal balance and mood.
Policosinol and Apple Pectin (not my products) to insure healthy lipid profiles.
That's basically it. By doing this, you can safely turn an 8 weeker into a 12 weeker with minimal suppression, side effects and loss of gains.
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