alot of variables indeed including genetics, bodyfat, diet, training. If someone was dialed in and did everything right I believe a hard lean 3.5lbs of muscle mass per inch of height natural is possible. I'm saying that (hard, lean)---but if we are talking an offseason look with some smoothness then I believe someone "dialed in" could get to 4.0lbs per inch of height. So a 6 foot guy could feasibly get to 288lbs somewhat smooth and offseason. And 252lbs hard and lean. Again this all depends on a myriad of factors. If i was in a race to get my natural trainee vs other trainees the absolutely largest possible (muscularly) in the shortest time span--I would do the following
1)incredible amounts of food--high protein in the time frames i have previously recommended (so much food that if done by itself it would make him very fat--more on that later)--A huge bulk food binge that would put on as much muscle naturally (and some fat) as humanly possible in the shortest time span
2)Very short workouts--heavy progressive weights---rest pause training---extreme stretching
3)Creatine, glutamine, ala, cla, multivitamin
4)Id have him walking on a treadmill for 60 minutes 5-6 times a week to counter that extreme food intake fat gain. And I would tweak those numbers as we went along, up or down
He essentially would become a human blast furnace. That would be the fastest way to make a 175lb natural guy a lean 250lb bodybuilder.
Can most people do that? No, its very time consuming, and incredibly hard to do consistently. People dont think in a certain context. Lets say someone weighs 175lbs and they want to be 250lbs someday (hopefully quick)---If they didnt lift, didnt do cardio and just ate huge amounts of food just so the scale shows 250lbs how long would it take to get up that 75lbs? It would take a long time. In my eyes, if you did it in one year that would be pretty incredible. AND THATS JUST PURE BODYFAT! Just think of the extremes you would have to go thru to do that same trick muscularly. Theres no way in hell you could even get close to putting on 75lbs of muscle naturally in a year unless you had "top of the line" genetics. I just like people to understand how hard it is to put on a great deal of muscle mass and how you have to "push the envelope" in eating, training and cardio to get there. Not to put down the ------- website but Ive noticed alot of people there are long time lifters 25-40 years old who have been lifting for 5-20 years. And 95% of them are in that 175lb to 215lb range still to this day. They want to make it happen but for some reason they believe they will hook on to something magical after 10 years and take off. But it never happens. Many have no clue whatsoever of the lengths someone needs to go thru to get extreme muscle mass. (mostly foodwise)--I hope some of the guys reading this paragraph think about themselves during this. Do you want to be one of those guys 10 years from now that are still the "normal" guys in the gym? The same guys year after year that look the same? Four years ago they were 192lbs and now they are 196lbs. Personally I couldnt live with that. I couldnt do 156 workouts a year for one LB of muscle--thats a waste of freaking time...