Make nice abs progress if i train them every other day. During holidays i might even work them 2 on 1 off and include higher reps and broomstick twists to actually LOSE some musclesize of the abs, cause too muscular abs make your waistline thicker even without lovehandles.....
i train them first on days i work out - 5 total. mon,tues,thurs,fri,sat
i rotate between 3 diff exercise: roman chair sit-ups, cable crunch, and leg lifts. one each day i lift about 4 sets 25-35 reps a set
Make nice abs progress if i train them every other day. During holidays i might even work them 2 on 1 off and include higher reps and broomstick twists to actually LOSE some musclesize of the abs, cause too muscular abs make your waistline thicker even without lovehandles.....