I am trying to figure out how much I should eat and what ratio to use. Any ideas? I work out 5 Days a week 1 muscle a day. Workout runs about 1 hour. I weigh 176 lbs 6% BF.
What kind of diet were you on to drop that much BF in that little of time? and you managed to stay the same weight?
I would stick to a 50/30/20 split, eating most of your carbs. I would go with bodyweight x 18-20, but if you were just dieting you might want to ease into it. I went on CKD for 2 weeks and then jumped into bulking right away. I managed to gain all the weight back very fast, but I did gain a shitload of muscle with it.
Well, i'm no expert, but maybe like 16-18xBMR to get your cals, then do a clean bulk, like a 50/40/10 (carb, protein, fat). I'm definately no expert, I've never even done a bulking diet, so take that with a grain of salt. That just seems to be along the lines of what I see people doing.
I am trying to figure out how much I should eat and what ratio to use. Any ideas? I work out 5 Days a week 1 muscle a day. Workout runs about 1 hour. I weigh 176 lbs 6% BF.