Calories could be higher, you need alot more fat. Yes carbs, via insulin response, do promote large increases in protien synthesis, however only a small amount of insulin is need to achieve this. Once you have replenished your muscle glycogen stores after a workout, any addition glucose in your blood will be suttled into your adipose tissue (fat) by the insulin. Thus a carb loading post workout works wonders for growth and recovery, hoever you do not need a great deal of carbs the rest of the day in order to keep your glycogen stores full. I can assure you, that unless you are pretty big (like 5'9' 300+ ibs off season) you do not need 600 grams of carbs a day to fuel your workouts and refill your glycogen stores if you are bulking. Now if you have been depleted of carbs, and on a low carb diet for 4-6 days, yes 600, or more, grams in a day would be needed, but only because you have greatly depleted your muscle and liver glycogen and due to the supercompensation effect of reloading carbs after depleting your muscle's are capable, temporarly, of holding up to 30% more glycogen than when in a normal state, but only for a few days. Once you go back to your normal low intensity activey, you are probably going to be burning a lot of fat calories, thus you will need alot more fat in order to maintain a calorie surplus. Also bear in mind that production and release of many anabolic hormones into the blood stream, hgh and several protiglandins, are signifigantly blunted by high blood sugar levels. Also high fat intakes, espcially omega 3's and mono-unsaturated fats can signifigantly increase blood serum levels of prostaglandins, testosterone (if you are natural or off cycle), to a certain extent hgh indirectly via increased levels of key prostaglandins, and lower shbg levels.
Here is something I posted earlier today on another post in the diet forum.
"J Kurz, for bulking an average day for me might be like this
-2 ibs of extra lean ground beef, grass feed, (my dad owns a ranch so I get it for free)
fat 16 g, carbs 0, pro 170 g, cal 484
-i jar natural peanut butter
fat 224, carbs 56 g (absorbably carbs), pro 112 g, cal 2690
-fat free yogurt (can't remember size of container) on workout days only, pre-workout/breakfast. I train at 6 or 7 am.
fat 0, carbs 68 g, p 48 g, cal 464
-post workout drink, whey + 8 cups skim (use insulin sometimes, so other carbs are added as needed) + 10 g creatine, 20 g glutamine
fat 3 g, carbs 102 grams, pro 108, cal 867
-3 tbs flax + 6 grams of fish oil
fat 48, cal 432
- on non workout days, 4 oz of swiss cheese (sometimes replace ground beef above with steak for more fat cals instead).
fat 32 g, carbs 2 g, pro 32 g, cal 424
-lots of raw green veggies, don't count them.
workout days
fat 291 g, carbs 226, pro 438, cals 5275
non-workout days
fat 320 g, carbs 58, pro 312 cals 4360
cheat days to eat pizza taken as needed, usually one every 2 weeks."
Just my 2 cc's