I hope this does not get to winded on my part...I am doing my first well planned cycle....I am going to get my correct calories and eat as clean as possible and train how I want to train for it...but, from reading the posts for a while and searching, there are not a lot of real replies to this question except for eat and lift heavy...both of which are good questions, but after training at my gym for a while, I ran into a bro who confided he was on gear, which I figured since the big jump in his strength over 3 months, not to mention he looked like a power lifter after and not before...but, when he crashed, he crashed....
I am going into this looking at it as even if I add 10-20 pounds on all my power movements after I am done, I am better then when I started...I have no crazy expectations...which is good and some guys need to look at it that way also...
But, anyhow, I am going to train heavy...at least to me...I train like that anyhow, so I am going to continue, just hit my weaker points harder, like my legs for instance...
I am not small now, and no hercules either...I have good max's on my power movements, so maybe I will be surprised...
But, I am thinking of incorporating some cutting cycle training into this also, especially since I am going to add winny in the last half of my cycle...lets say that I already do my 5 sets of 5 at 315 on my bench, i start my bulk cycle and 6 weeks in I am doing 5 sets at 345 or more even...why wouldnt one switch up to doing like 3 sets of 8-12 on bench the last half and try to go up 5 pounds or even 2 pounds on the bench every week for the last half of the cycle where the winny is and get a good cut going...my cycle will consist of omna/dbol and then omna/winny....
Then on to the eating...I always see everyone post to eat...but I see guys at the gym on gear eat crap and bulk, and when they lose, they lose but still look like they eat crap...why could one not throw in cardio and clean eating and protein of course to build a nice legitimate amount of muscle on a bulk cycle and switch it to a cutting type training methodology to kepp most or all of what you gain and still come offf looking solid and not haver to cut for the offf cycle time....
just a thought....
I am going into this looking at it as even if I add 10-20 pounds on all my power movements after I am done, I am better then when I started...I have no crazy expectations...which is good and some guys need to look at it that way also...
But, anyhow, I am going to train heavy...at least to me...I train like that anyhow, so I am going to continue, just hit my weaker points harder, like my legs for instance...
I am not small now, and no hercules either...I have good max's on my power movements, so maybe I will be surprised...
But, I am thinking of incorporating some cutting cycle training into this also, especially since I am going to add winny in the last half of my cycle...lets say that I already do my 5 sets of 5 at 315 on my bench, i start my bulk cycle and 6 weeks in I am doing 5 sets at 345 or more even...why wouldnt one switch up to doing like 3 sets of 8-12 on bench the last half and try to go up 5 pounds or even 2 pounds on the bench every week for the last half of the cycle where the winny is and get a good cut going...my cycle will consist of omna/dbol and then omna/winny....
Then on to the eating...I always see everyone post to eat...but I see guys at the gym on gear eat crap and bulk, and when they lose, they lose but still look like they eat crap...why could one not throw in cardio and clean eating and protein of course to build a nice legitimate amount of muscle on a bulk cycle and switch it to a cutting type training methodology to kepp most or all of what you gain and still come offf looking solid and not haver to cut for the offf cycle time....
just a thought....