I remember reading some article that said if you're faithful to a strength training program after about six month there is supposed to be an increase in test. levels.
Intense weight lifting tends to cause a brief, immediate testosterone release. Notice I stipulated "intense", because pumping 2lb pink dumbbells wont do it. Many peope, including myself, notice a sudden increase in sexual desire immediately after a hardcore workout. However, that increase is only a temporary spike.
I think the best ways to increase T production is by not doing certain things, rather than adding something to your lifestyle. Two things come to mind immediately: avoid caffiene drinks, and get sufficient sleep every night. Also, and I may be recalling this incorrectly, I think there's research supporting a positive correlation between the elimination of meat from the diet and lower T production, so eatcher meat young lady.
Also, and I may be recalling this incorrectly, I think there's research supporting a positive correlation between the elimination of meat from the diet and lower T production, so eatcher meat young lady.