There are so many contributing factors that can go in to accuracy of measuring body fat, and the methods used.
The different methods measure different things … and if you get the same # for every test (which is really something I’d like to see one day just because it would be interesting)
Body Composition Methods:
Skinfold Measurements
Underwater Weighing
Bioelectrical Impedence
Bod Pod (Air Displacement)
Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)
Near Infrared Interactance (NIR) Futrex 5000
(Got those from an OLD link somewhere)
IMHO, I would go to a gym have the same person do it ever 2-3 weeks if you want a noninvasive, quick way to track & use that to measure your progress, instead of sitting at home pinching yourself every day wondering HTF did the % go up 3% … etc
With that said, the accuracy of skinfolds can even be deceptive from operator sources of error, subcutaneous fat/water, and so on and so on …
Use photos, the mirror, your clothes, & a tape measure as your guide.