Comparison of EQ & Primo is apples and oranges comparison they do totally different things. EQ is great for strength and putting on mass while Primo is good for polishing and aesthetics you won't see massive strength gains on Primo, it is more of a hardening/definition compound typically run in a cutting phase or a recomp when bodyfat is on the lower side.
Tbol is a great compound good for strength and lean mass,you certainly can run it in place of anavar, this really comes down to a few things goals of cycle ? Length of cycle and what is the overall plan and why did you pick Tbol and EQ ?
EQ is great you have to watch the hemicrait and hemoglobin as EQ can run those on the higher end of the scale with any cycle I always recommend donating blood regardless of compound just to be on the safe side.
Anavar is typically run during a cut vs tbol which is recomp/ Lean bulking more or less so this comes down to the goals you have in place for yourself.
Some guys dont run a testbase but i always suggest running even trt levels of 100-200mg a week of testosterone taking any sort of gear will suppress or shut you down.
Also if you aren't on trt then you need to really read up on Post cycle therapy and set one up properly and understand what happens and takes place after the cycle very important.
You mentioned you want to keep sides low and that is a smart move, I recommend the testosterone because you will want some kind of androgenic activity inside the body as it will help enhance the cycle and overall you will feel better with a small amount of testosterone, look at it as a synergistic effect the test will go hand and hand with the oral you are taking.
I also recommend looking into and AI like arimidex just incase better to have it then not have it if you run into estrogen issues on cycle
the EQ id go no higher then 600mg a week and the Tbol id keep at 30-40mg a day taken 1 hour before you workout.
also i wouldn't go longer then 6 weeks max with the orals and id keep the total cycle length 12 weeks max 12 weeks EQ 6 weeks Tbol.
I also recommend UGFreak for the gear and using the para pharma line of gear. I use UGF & Para Pharma and i absolutely love the feeling of para gear.
You will also want a good organ and liver protection I recommend N2Guard for that hands down a complete all in 1 product.