Hey Guys, Big fan of your forums and videos and have been looking into LGD for a while now.
This past summer I ran a 6 week cycle of mk2866 with great success. I also ran 677 for a month with success.
I want to make sure I do my LGD cycle right and have zero suppression or any side effects. I was thinking of doing a 4 week cycle of LGD and GW then two weeks on my remaining ostarine to cycle off. But I would love to hear you bros suggestions for a PCT for this cycle!
Thank you for your time and I hope to read many replies from you soon!
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This past summer I ran a 6 week cycle of mk2866 with great success. I also ran 677 for a month with success.
I want to make sure I do my LGD cycle right and have zero suppression or any side effects. I was thinking of doing a 4 week cycle of LGD and GW then two weeks on my remaining ostarine to cycle off. But I would love to hear you bros suggestions for a PCT for this cycle!
Thank you for your time and I hope to read many replies from you soon!
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