New member
I've been doing so much research in the past few months- reading and reading and gone back and forth with this var thing.
I'm here to understand more, get some questions answered and also want to tell you about my history and other hormonal things I'm on, as I think some of these things may need to be stopped if I decide to move forward with var.
I'm a 37 year old female looking to compete this Fall. If not this Fall, spring or Fall of next year. If I don't compete, I don't compete- bikini would be where my mind-set is. To be honest, it is NOT about winning, it's about putting on some more lean body mass- it's just the look I've wanted for a really long time.
I've been in and out of the gym for over 10 years, doing dumb stuff...excessive cardio, poor diets, restrictive diets, super low calorie, low carb...binging, etc. I've done low weight, high rep- no program, just winging it. 2 years ago, I just had enough and hired a coach. All was well, but switched to another coach to get me the lean down look I wanted. I did well, naturally- worked my ass off, in the gym at 4 a.m., you all know how it goes. I have 3 kids, I do stay a home and by mid-december, I got down to 136 pounds - I'm 5'8" and got to about 14.8% bodyfat. Not bad for really doing this, "the right way" for once. I actually put on 2.5 pounds of muscle (bod pod calibration at the local university)... I looked great for a fitness photo shoot I booked, but knew at the end, I still didn't really have the lean muscle I wanted. Since then, I've been researching anavar and working with my new coach- he supports whatever I want to do, he has clients that do use it, but left it up to me to do research, weigh the pros/cons, be positive this is what I wanted to do. It's up to him to administer it safely and as low as possible to achieve results.
So, moving forward. About 2 years ago- felt like death- had some family issues going on, went to wellness doc, and I'm on a bunch of things.
* testosterone- compound, troche (under the tongue, melts in your mouth), 1.15 mg a day (just shy of "normal" range)
* progesterone- compound, it's a cream I apply, 2nd 2 weeks of the month.
*dhea- 10mg a day
* d3, 5mg a day
* astragalus (whole food supplement for immune support)
*ALC (whole food supplement for immune/metabolism?)
* cytomel (thyroid, 5mg a day)
I go to see my doc every 6 months where he evaluates my bloodwork and we go from there. Interactions with anavar? I imagine I would stop the progesterone and testosterone and was unsure about cytomel. March, is when I go back in for a re-eval, might go off most of the stuff, who knows.
Currently, right now, I'm sitting at about 140 pounds, 16-18% bodyfat - holding strong during a reverse dieting program, lifting hard, still hitting the gym 5 days a week, diet is 95%. I'm awesome at my diet, but I'm also a mom and tend not to live a life of perfection. I sneak some cheetos and I steal french fries once in awhile. All in all, I do damn good. I'm guessing my build program will be coming up in a few weeks or so- 4-6 weeks. I'm not looking to cut fat, get gigantic or be up on the olympia stage. I just like the look of nice, lean, muscular quads and hammies and the GLUTES, let us not forget the butt!
I think one of the biggest reasons I'm considering anavar is obviously to compete, but also the asthetic look. Can I be on it all year, NO, do I want to be, NO. Also, important to add, that I had a reticular release (right knee- tendon gets pulled from the muscle) a few years ago, right before I started training hard. I for the life of me am struggling to gain muscle in my right quad. My left quad is okay (neither have great definition), but my right quad is DRASTICALLY behind. I'm occluding on a number of lifts- hack squat (feet together, facing outward, toes pointed out to target the outside muscle), all sorts of squats and leg extensions and I'm seeing very little changes.
A few things I need answers on, besides the medications I'm currently on.
* PCT, do I need this or not?
* I've seen people use this to build and cut, to just build, to just cut, which is it, which is more beneficial?
* I saw a post that women have said that sometimes gains can be lost after 6 months? WHAT? How is that possible? What's the point then?
* I would like to do this once, maybe twice.... so If I decide to do it during a build and during a cut, will I have to do it again to keep the lean muscle I'm after? I realize I won't be "as hard" once I come off, but just having the muscle there... that's mostly what I'm after.
* I'm predisposed for bad acne, runs in my family- can only guess it's gonna worse, what are the best things to combat this with?
* AR- I saw on a board awhile ago- something about AR- is that antigen receptor? Something involving the kidneys- I know risk is lower, because I will be between 5-10mg, but are there things out there to help, something about milk thistle?
* virilization- enlargement in the southern region, I get it- it can happen, probably will happen, and when discontinued, 4-6 weeks later, should return to normal? Everybody is different though
- deep voice- I think these are things I'm going to have to know about going into it and if it gets worse, will have to discontinue use.
I think that about wraps it all up. Really, I'm looking to gain some lean body mass- be in a build program for a good amount of time (6-9 months)- no, not all of that with anivar...continue to work hard, keep nutrition in check and cut with anavar (if it's needed) at a later date.
I thank all of you for this board- I've been reading on here all day. Thanks for listening, for your opinions, suggestions and advice.

I've been doing so much research in the past few months- reading and reading and gone back and forth with this var thing.
I'm here to understand more, get some questions answered and also want to tell you about my history and other hormonal things I'm on, as I think some of these things may need to be stopped if I decide to move forward with var.
I'm a 37 year old female looking to compete this Fall. If not this Fall, spring or Fall of next year. If I don't compete, I don't compete- bikini would be where my mind-set is. To be honest, it is NOT about winning, it's about putting on some more lean body mass- it's just the look I've wanted for a really long time.
I've been in and out of the gym for over 10 years, doing dumb stuff...excessive cardio, poor diets, restrictive diets, super low calorie, low carb...binging, etc. I've done low weight, high rep- no program, just winging it. 2 years ago, I just had enough and hired a coach. All was well, but switched to another coach to get me the lean down look I wanted. I did well, naturally- worked my ass off, in the gym at 4 a.m., you all know how it goes. I have 3 kids, I do stay a home and by mid-december, I got down to 136 pounds - I'm 5'8" and got to about 14.8% bodyfat. Not bad for really doing this, "the right way" for once. I actually put on 2.5 pounds of muscle (bod pod calibration at the local university)... I looked great for a fitness photo shoot I booked, but knew at the end, I still didn't really have the lean muscle I wanted. Since then, I've been researching anavar and working with my new coach- he supports whatever I want to do, he has clients that do use it, but left it up to me to do research, weigh the pros/cons, be positive this is what I wanted to do. It's up to him to administer it safely and as low as possible to achieve results.
So, moving forward. About 2 years ago- felt like death- had some family issues going on, went to wellness doc, and I'm on a bunch of things.
* testosterone- compound, troche (under the tongue, melts in your mouth), 1.15 mg a day (just shy of "normal" range)
* progesterone- compound, it's a cream I apply, 2nd 2 weeks of the month.
*dhea- 10mg a day
* d3, 5mg a day
* astragalus (whole food supplement for immune support)
*ALC (whole food supplement for immune/metabolism?)
* cytomel (thyroid, 5mg a day)
I go to see my doc every 6 months where he evaluates my bloodwork and we go from there. Interactions with anavar? I imagine I would stop the progesterone and testosterone and was unsure about cytomel. March, is when I go back in for a re-eval, might go off most of the stuff, who knows.
Currently, right now, I'm sitting at about 140 pounds, 16-18% bodyfat - holding strong during a reverse dieting program, lifting hard, still hitting the gym 5 days a week, diet is 95%. I'm awesome at my diet, but I'm also a mom and tend not to live a life of perfection. I sneak some cheetos and I steal french fries once in awhile. All in all, I do damn good. I'm guessing my build program will be coming up in a few weeks or so- 4-6 weeks. I'm not looking to cut fat, get gigantic or be up on the olympia stage. I just like the look of nice, lean, muscular quads and hammies and the GLUTES, let us not forget the butt!

A few things I need answers on, besides the medications I'm currently on.
* PCT, do I need this or not?
* I've seen people use this to build and cut, to just build, to just cut, which is it, which is more beneficial?
* I saw a post that women have said that sometimes gains can be lost after 6 months? WHAT? How is that possible? What's the point then?
* I would like to do this once, maybe twice.... so If I decide to do it during a build and during a cut, will I have to do it again to keep the lean muscle I'm after? I realize I won't be "as hard" once I come off, but just having the muscle there... that's mostly what I'm after.
* I'm predisposed for bad acne, runs in my family- can only guess it's gonna worse, what are the best things to combat this with?
* AR- I saw on a board awhile ago- something about AR- is that antigen receptor? Something involving the kidneys- I know risk is lower, because I will be between 5-10mg, but are there things out there to help, something about milk thistle?
* virilization- enlargement in the southern region, I get it- it can happen, probably will happen, and when discontinued, 4-6 weeks later, should return to normal? Everybody is different though
- deep voice- I think these are things I'm going to have to know about going into it and if it gets worse, will have to discontinue use.
I think that about wraps it all up. Really, I'm looking to gain some lean body mass- be in a build program for a good amount of time (6-9 months)- no, not all of that with anivar...continue to work hard, keep nutrition in check and cut with anavar (if it's needed) at a later date.
I thank all of you for this board- I've been reading on here all day. Thanks for listening, for your opinions, suggestions and advice.