New member
hello, i would like to start off by saying that im 17 (i know im too young to go on steroids) and did almost no research whatsoever on steroids and as dumb as it sounds i took my first Test E (500mg) injection (I have never done steroids before so this was my first time) 2 days ago from this post. all i knew was that i should take 500mg of Test E for 12 weeks, take nothing for 3 weeks, then take nolvadex and clomid for 3-4 weeks. today i just found out that i should take arimidex EOD to stop the oestrogen levels from getting too high. but as you can see i was not prepared for a cycle at all and i did not take any arimidex pills until now. today i decided to stop this shit coz im too young and ill harm my body if i continue (thats if i didnt do that already) and im really regretting this. My question is, if i stop after 2 days from my first Test E injecion (500mg) and took no arimidex, do i need to do some PCT? or take arimidex to maintain my eostrogen levels or take both (Arimidex for a week, then pct after 2-3 weeks from taking nothing) or should i not take anything at all. im just afraid that my testosterone production will shut down or some shit like that, or get any side effects such as gynos, or prostate gland enlargment, or any other side effects of increased oestoren levels in the body or some shit like that. please i need some advice from someone with expirience and knowledge. Thank you for reading all of this.