I've been reading and lurking around here for a few months. I'm new to weight training, just started seriously about 3 months ago.
right now I'm 182 at 12-14% bodyfat. (closer to 12 I believe), 20 years old.
My goal for the next year is to get to 180-185 with 8-10% bodyfat and a 36+ inch vert (my vert was about 30 when I tested it a few months ago). After that, I just want to keep improving my vert, hopefully up to 40+ inches.
My goals with weight training are to get my squat poundages higher and to develop some functional strength in the upper body (especially traps, shoulders, lats). I'm finishing up a program CoolColJ wrote up for me with squats, and next week I'm gonna test my new 1RM(old 1rm was 205). I want people's advice about what to do after that. I have some idea of what to do, but I'll scrap it if people have better ideas.
I'm thinking of doing a 2-day split:
Monday: squats, using the 8 set, 1-3 rep program CCJ mentioned; romanian deadlifts, 5x5 (should I do a different rep scheme?), High pulls (how many sets/reps?); closegrip pulldowns 5x5, military press 5x5, side bends 3x8.
Thursday: squats, speed deadlifts w/shrugs (how many reps/sets?) slightly bent-over barbell rows 5x5, dumbbell pullovers 5x5. decline situps (sets/reps?)
about diet: since I'm going for an improved strength-bodyweight ratio, and I'm not bodybuilding, do I need to bulk and cut?
I'm planning on doing this:
monday: eat alot (~4000 calories, 500-900 calories surplus)
tuesday: eat 1800-2000 calories (~1000 calorie deficit)
wednesday: as tuesday
thursday: as monday
friday-sun: as tuesday
until I get to 8 or 9 percent bodyfat, and then trying to maintain. good idea?
right now I'm 182 at 12-14% bodyfat. (closer to 12 I believe), 20 years old.
My goal for the next year is to get to 180-185 with 8-10% bodyfat and a 36+ inch vert (my vert was about 30 when I tested it a few months ago). After that, I just want to keep improving my vert, hopefully up to 40+ inches.
My goals with weight training are to get my squat poundages higher and to develop some functional strength in the upper body (especially traps, shoulders, lats). I'm finishing up a program CoolColJ wrote up for me with squats, and next week I'm gonna test my new 1RM(old 1rm was 205). I want people's advice about what to do after that. I have some idea of what to do, but I'll scrap it if people have better ideas.
I'm thinking of doing a 2-day split:
Monday: squats, using the 8 set, 1-3 rep program CCJ mentioned; romanian deadlifts, 5x5 (should I do a different rep scheme?), High pulls (how many sets/reps?); closegrip pulldowns 5x5, military press 5x5, side bends 3x8.
Thursday: squats, speed deadlifts w/shrugs (how many reps/sets?) slightly bent-over barbell rows 5x5, dumbbell pullovers 5x5. decline situps (sets/reps?)
about diet: since I'm going for an improved strength-bodyweight ratio, and I'm not bodybuilding, do I need to bulk and cut?
I'm planning on doing this:
monday: eat alot (~4000 calories, 500-900 calories surplus)
tuesday: eat 1800-2000 calories (~1000 calorie deficit)
wednesday: as tuesday
thursday: as monday
friday-sun: as tuesday
until I get to 8 or 9 percent bodyfat, and then trying to maintain. good idea?