I need help for my first cycle, I want to cut up and gain some lbs in 4 our 6 weeks maxi (I think to use DNP for a cycle of 7 days or more for finish the cycle because I know that I must'nt to use any AS in the same time)
If you want to keep it at 4-6 weeks max then you could try this
Winny at 50mg/Day for weeks 1-6
Fina at 75mg/Every other day for weeks 1-6
Anavar at 40-50mg/day for weeks 1-6
Clomid for post cycle. Make sure you have the liver protectors(milk thistle or Liv 52) and drink plenty of water. With the right diet you should be able to reach your goals with this cycle. Best of luck!
thanks bros for your help, but I hesitate between using deca, winny and primobolan. I have a light budget and I want to cut up mainly and add some lbs. Whats the best to combine (oral or not) ?