hmmm, I thought about this after I posted my last thread, but if you want to maintain the muscle that you have and not build more mass(ie deepen the valleys as someone once said ) SHould you still go heavy?
Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE muscle, it' s hard for me to burn off the fat and then I just look bloated all the time, especially my face, I feel like Jack from Jack in the Box, you'll see. I haven't found the way that works for me best to try and stay leaner. I've dieted before and lost alot of muscle (looked pretty scrawny) and did not like that either so I'm finding my way here on the board(I love this place!) I'm not even 5 feet tall(not yet anyway!) so a few pounds goes a long way on me. I'll try and dig up some pics so you can see what I mean. THe more muscle the better only if I can keep the fat down. So I guess what I am saying is I'm a fat magnet.