Hi guys,
I thought I would tell you of my experience. A few weeks ago I noticed some small lump under my left nipple. I went to the Dr and he told me to come back if they got bigger. Well they got bigger, so I returned and he sent me to a breast surgeon. Meanwhile, I made a post on this forum and a few regulars helped me out. I got bloods done and everything (inc estrodiol) was normal. She ordered a mammogram and the result was Gyno (very mild). I have only ever run ostarin, helladrol and LGD-4033. My last cycle was the LGD and to be honest I didn't bother with a proper PCT other than unleashed (stupid!). My gyno developed about 2 months after I stopped, so I'm not even sure it WAS the LGD.
The Dr who interpreted the mammo said their was nothing to be done other than surgery. Well I knew this wasn't true so I did some research. I emailed the breast surgeon and told her I'd like to try nolvadex (tamxifen). Below I've copied the email I sent. I think some of you may like to copy it since i've done a lot of the science ground work for you and it may help you out to take a copy (or email) to your dr to present as evidence Anyway, she agreed and is starting me on 10 mg (I asked for 20), but she wants to see me in a month, then she may increase the dose to 20. She didnt want to go with 20 as she has never prescribed it for men. Well, I hope maybe my experience will help some others out.
My email to the surgeon:
The mammogram that you ordered was was completed on XXX 2014. The conclusion was gynecomastia. The Dr interpreting the mammogram data revealed that the only solution would be surgery and that no therapeutic options are available; however, I have conducted my own investigation and found many papers that demonstrate high efficacy levels in the treatment of gynecomastia with the drug tamoxifen – particularly if used on mild cases presenting with a solid “lump”, such as mine. Below you will find links to some of the pubmed articles. I would like to request treatment with this drug following a regimen of: 20 mg/day for 12 weeks.
Breast J. 2012 Nov-Dec;18(6):620-1. doi: 10.1111/tbj.12033. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
The efficacy of tamoxifen in the treatment of primary gynecomastia: an observational study of tamoxifen versus observation alone.
James R, Ahmed F, Cunnick G.
Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2012 Sep;11(5):779-95. doi: 10.1517/14740338.2012.712109. Epub 2012 Aug 6.
Drug-induced gynecomastia: an evidence-based review.
Deepinder F1, Braunstein GD.
Sao Paulo Med J. 2012;130(3):187-97.
Gynecomastia: physiopathology, evaluation and treatment.
Barros AC1, Sampaio Mde C.
Gynecomastia - evaluation and current treatment options.
Johnson RE, Kermott CA, Murad MH.
Breast. 2004 Feb;13(1):61-5.
Management of physiological gynaecomastia with tamoxifen.
Khan HN1, Rampaul R, Blamey RW.
Urology. 1997 Dec;50(6):929-33.
Tamoxifen for flutamide/finasteride-induced gynecomastia.
Staiman VR1, Lowe FC.
Comparison of tamoxifen with danazol in the management of idiopathic gynecomastia.
Ting AC, Chow LW, Leung YF.
Am Surg. 2000 Jan;66(1):38-40.
I thought I would tell you of my experience. A few weeks ago I noticed some small lump under my left nipple. I went to the Dr and he told me to come back if they got bigger. Well they got bigger, so I returned and he sent me to a breast surgeon. Meanwhile, I made a post on this forum and a few regulars helped me out. I got bloods done and everything (inc estrodiol) was normal. She ordered a mammogram and the result was Gyno (very mild). I have only ever run ostarin, helladrol and LGD-4033. My last cycle was the LGD and to be honest I didn't bother with a proper PCT other than unleashed (stupid!). My gyno developed about 2 months after I stopped, so I'm not even sure it WAS the LGD.
The Dr who interpreted the mammo said their was nothing to be done other than surgery. Well I knew this wasn't true so I did some research. I emailed the breast surgeon and told her I'd like to try nolvadex (tamxifen). Below I've copied the email I sent. I think some of you may like to copy it since i've done a lot of the science ground work for you and it may help you out to take a copy (or email) to your dr to present as evidence Anyway, she agreed and is starting me on 10 mg (I asked for 20), but she wants to see me in a month, then she may increase the dose to 20. She didnt want to go with 20 as she has never prescribed it for men. Well, I hope maybe my experience will help some others out.
My email to the surgeon:
The mammogram that you ordered was was completed on XXX 2014. The conclusion was gynecomastia. The Dr interpreting the mammogram data revealed that the only solution would be surgery and that no therapeutic options are available; however, I have conducted my own investigation and found many papers that demonstrate high efficacy levels in the treatment of gynecomastia with the drug tamoxifen – particularly if used on mild cases presenting with a solid “lump”, such as mine. Below you will find links to some of the pubmed articles. I would like to request treatment with this drug following a regimen of: 20 mg/day for 12 weeks.
Breast J. 2012 Nov-Dec;18(6):620-1. doi: 10.1111/tbj.12033. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
The efficacy of tamoxifen in the treatment of primary gynecomastia: an observational study of tamoxifen versus observation alone.
James R, Ahmed F, Cunnick G.
Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2012 Sep;11(5):779-95. doi: 10.1517/14740338.2012.712109. Epub 2012 Aug 6.
Drug-induced gynecomastia: an evidence-based review.
Deepinder F1, Braunstein GD.
Sao Paulo Med J. 2012;130(3):187-97.
Gynecomastia: physiopathology, evaluation and treatment.
Barros AC1, Sampaio Mde C.
Gynecomastia - evaluation and current treatment options.
Johnson RE, Kermott CA, Murad MH.
Breast. 2004 Feb;13(1):61-5.
Management of physiological gynaecomastia with tamoxifen.
Khan HN1, Rampaul R, Blamey RW.
Urology. 1997 Dec;50(6):929-33.
Tamoxifen for flutamide/finasteride-induced gynecomastia.
Staiman VR1, Lowe FC.
Comparison of tamoxifen with danazol in the management of idiopathic gynecomastia.
Ting AC, Chow LW, Leung YF.
Am Surg. 2000 Jan;66(1):38-40.