i think this is what you asked
different types of carbs.....grouped into monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (i'll include fibre in this too)
carbs are grouped by how they digest too. into hi GI, medium GI and low GI. high GI stuff tends to be anything sugary or white (like white bread) and digests quick, low GI is stuff that looks like its out the earth (wholewheat pasta etc) and digests slow. low GI fuels u for longer and doesnt raise blood sugar too much so u wont get fat. high GI dgests wuick, energises you quick but too much might send your blood sugar too hi and make you fat
monosaccharides are things with 1 molecule....small and simple.
glucose is the most obvious, most carbs break down to form this. as its so small it gets digested quick and makes your bloods sugar go up fast, and insulin release follows. so its great fpr after exercise when u need energy QUICK
fructose is an exception...it diffuses slow and doesnt really cause such a big increase in insulin release. it also fills your liver rather than musckles after exercise, and once it fills that is more likley to turn to fat. found in fruit and is super sweet. so u may wanna avoid too much of this. same for galactose
disaccharides are 2 molecules joined together. kind of an inbetween of poly and mono and digest farly quick
maltose - glucose joined to glucose....breaks down slightly slower than glucose alone and fuels the body for a bit longer
lactose - glucose and galactose. from milk usually. im always wary of the galactose becaue it may get stored as fat if u get too much
table sugar - glucose and fructose. again im wary of the fructose
polysaccharides are big long chains of carbs and digest slow. good for fueling the body for long periods of time.
starches are an example of these.
fibre is polysaccharides that can;t be digested and absorbed and instead are left for your gut bacteria