I think muscle on girls is gorgous (obviously not too much) I put this post up in another fourm to see the response but im interested in knowing what girls think of being muscular
ill shoot for stunning.......doesnt matter how big they are..... its stunning either way....... it doesnt always mean i want to look like that particular girl or desire that degree of muscularity for myself......but boy..... i still think its hot to look at!
I would have to say stunning...being muscular is a difficult task so I admire the work women put into their bodies because I know what it is like to try and diet...train.....and rest to achieve those results..Very attractive for women...do not like thin and out of shape women..
I'm with New@ on that one!! I think it's sexy as hell and even sexier to know that a woman is willing to live the lifestyle needed to look like that. So much of what makes someone attractive is their willpower and inner strength. Yum!!